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In recent years European universities have been striving to enhance their international profile by building strategic partnerships and thematic networks with one or several universities abroad. In most cases, their partner universities have an excellent reputation or possess a specific profile which matches or compliments their own very well.

For its academic collaboration in this network, the University of Göttingen receives grant money from the DAAD totalling close to 935.000 € in the period from 2013 to 2016. With this support, the partner universities aim to promote the international academic research of their doctoral candidates, further develop joint research projects and identify new areas of cooperation in research and education.

A total of 17 mutual summer schools and specialist conferences are planned along with workshops on joint research projects and potential new areas of collaboration. Moreover, the partner universities want to increase the number of their joint international degree programmes and provide continuing education in intercultural competencies to their administrative staff.

The main milestones to be achieved are as follows:

(1) Preconditions to facilitate joint supervision and joint programmes

  • Framework for joint innovative graduate education, incl. joint supervision
  • Completion of U4 handbook for the development of joint degree courses
  • Creation of a mobility window in Business Administration in Göttingen
  • "Joint Expertise Sharing" Programme (JES) for facilitating joint supervision; database and platform set up

(2) Joint MA/MSc and PhD Study Programmes

  • New Double Degree MSc "Particle Physics" (Göttingen-Uppsala)
  • New Joint PhD "Microbiology" (Göttingen-Groningen)
  • New Double Degree MBA in "Economics" (Göttingen-one U4 partner)

(3) Joint PhD supervision / Cotutelle

  • Implementing joint supervision framework for doctoral researchers
  • 25 joint supervisions of doctoral researchers

(4) Joint PhD teaching

  • Integration of 20 postdocs in trainings programmes
  • Integration of 10 senior researcher in training programmes

(5) Joint Research

  • 14 workshops, 4 conferences
  • 37 joint publications
  • At least two joint research proposals

(6) Joint Research Infrastructure

  • Framework for digitization of U4 collections and harmonized, interoperable data management
  • Virtual "European University Museum" as long term goal

(7) Joint Staff Development

  • 36 staff have been qualified for improved international academic administration
  • 15 coordinators have been qualified for international study programme management

(8) Joint Discourse and Development of Governance Concepts

  • 4 Rectors' Meetings
  • Joint participation in U4 leadership programme


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