The U4 Academic Leadership programme is a training course for top-level executives in university management from one of our four co-operative universities. The programme allows university leaders (both from academia and administration) to strengthen their skills in leadership

The aim of the U4 Research Network 'Ageing Brain' / European 'Ageing Brain' Network is to study early hallmarks and diagnosis of normal and abnormal brain ageing. This strategic partnership is a preferential, but not an exclusive U4 cooperation. Since 2008 several universities

One of the main objectives of this U4 Winter School is to give doctoral students the opportunity to present their research projects to an international group of peers and to get feedback from experienced scholars. The students come from various academic disciplines dealing with

In 2013 a new network of careers advisers for master students, PhD and postdoc researchers was created at a U4 meeting held at Ghent University. While career services for master students have been common practice for years, career services for the group of early stage researchers are

This research network on Cultural Mechanisms of Inclusion and Exclusion in Contemporary Europe (CMIECE) brings together scholars whose work analyzes transnational cultural, intellectual and political mechanisms that promote inclusion and exclusion on the local, national, and European

Thin film research has moved from simple oxide thin film materials towards thin films with a high chemical complexity and microstructure. This high level research asks for in-depth analysis tools and new deposition strategies in combination with simulations.

The study of cultural transfer and transmission is a relatively new research line within the broader context of literary history and cultural studies. Already before the start of the U4 scholars were working together in inter alia the internationalizing project 'Peripheral autonomy?

In recent years European universities have been striving to enhance their international profile by building strategic partnerships and thematic networks with one or several universities abroad. In most cases, their partner universities have an excellent reputation or possess a specific profile

The DH4U4 network aims to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the field of digital humanities through collaboratives project proposals, staff exchanges, joint supervision, joint doctoral training and co-publications in the field.

Since 2009 the U4 partners have made a joint effort in setting up projects in the framework of Erasmus Action 2 partnerships, formerly known as External Coopertation Windows. The first consortium with all U4 partners represented was the LiSUM project ('Linking Sino-European

The Family Ethics research network brings together researchers from the U4 Network, as well as other European universities on topics such as 'social freezing' and 'postponed motherhood'. Current advances in reproductive medicine, like in-vitro fertilization and germ cell donation,

The following list contains European funded research and cooperation projects with two or more partners from the U4 network. Please click on the acronyms of the projects to find more information on the role of the U4 partners in these projects. You will also find the necessary contact details in

The four research centres have been connected for some time. In 2014, they met to celebrate the launch of the new Centre for Gender Studies in Göttingen. Today, they are looking forward to collaborate further through the organisation of summer schools in the U4 network.

IPT&L or 'International Perspectives in Teaching and Learning' addresses the needs of teaching coordinators and curriculum developers of international programmes, focusing on what it takes to organize a good degree programme from an international point of view. 

Aiming at tailor-made support for individual researchers and fostering cooperation among the U4 partners in common research foci, the "Joint Expertise Sharing" (JES) platform was set up to make information about potential supervisors in the common research foci of the U4 partners easily

Within the U4 network there are currently nine joint/double degree programmes which involve two or more U4 partner institutions. Several programmes were awarded the prestigious Erasmus Mundus label and comprise a consortium with external partners.

With the U4 lectures the four network partners aim to promote teaching mobility within the U4 network by organizing top-level guest lectures on a regular basis. The U4 lectures fit into the concept of a studium generale. They are conceived as lectures with an academic character

The Legal Research Network (LRN) was founded in 2006 by the faculties of law of the Universities of Groningen, Turku and Uppsala. The Universities of Bristol, Budapest (ELTE), Ghent, Göttingen and Lille-Nord de France have since joined the network. The LRN aims to improve the international

A handbook for the development of joint degree courses integrating all partners will be available soon and will ease the establishment of further joint degree courses between the U4 partners. This type of approach for offering courses in multiple fields at a consortium level scarcely exists

The Medical Law network connects researchers from U4 universities and addresses a multitude of topics within medical legal studies. The subjects of discussion range from medical law and human rights to issues of reproductive medicine, ethical problems of biobanks and medical

The cluster of Humanities chose Multilingualism as a focal theme to unite different departments. After a research proposal on urban multilingualism, the topic was explored at an annual workshop for established researchers and PhD students in Göttingen in 2014 on "Creating multilingual

The U4 Network intends to take account of the growing importance of research infrastructures at European universities by making strategic agreements and setting common goals in the area of university collections.

The U4 OSMYO network is dedicated to studies of the involvement of Osmoprotective Mechanisms in Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies and their link to autoimmunity. Many pathological mechanisms underlying this heterogeneous group of muscle diseases remain poorly

In continuation of the 2010 and 2011 benchmarking exercises initiated by Ghent University, the U4 partners have established a rotating peer review cycle to delve into different themes and challenges of university management: finance, gender, HR, infrastructure, ...  

The initiative approaches discursive, institutional, and material processes and practices that generate and transform the boundaries and interior structures of the Religious in a historically well-founded and cross-cultural way. The period investigated encompasses the time from

Revolution poses a unique challenge to writers and artists, namely that of representing something unprecedented and unique. This challenge becomes even greater when the events have not been experienced firsthand, when they take place somewhere else and are observed only in mediated

SoNAR (Social Network Analysis and Research) brings together PhD students and researchers in the domain of social network theory for two-days of intensive workshops (held in 2012 and 2014). The aim of the SoNAR workshops is to focus on the difficult relationship between theoretical

Since March 2013, the Spatial Ecology and Evolution group of Ghent University (TEREC, Prof. D. Bonte) and the Theoretical and Evolutionary Ecology group from the University of Groningen (CEES, prof. R. Etienne) have set up a collaboration jointly supervising two PhD students on a

In the U4 network Summer and Winter Schools are organized in a vast variety fields. They give the opportunity to students and young researchers to expand their academic horizon during a short-term, yet intensive programme.

As in other fields of cooperation the U4 network is an important motor for agenda-setting and enhancing knowhow for the individual U4 partners, who have different focuses and are at different speeds in setting up strategies to meet the global sustainability challenges. That is why the U4

The aim of this programme is to promote the teaching and research of Taiwan Studies within Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Professorial fellows from Taiwan will teach a course on an aspect of International Relations in an East Asian context. As well as teaching and researching in the

The focus of the U4 Student Network is on sharing experiences and on exchanging best practices concerning student participation and regarding various dimensions of student life at the respective partner universities.