sustainability-summer-2018From 9 till 13 July Groningen hosted the first edition of the interdisciplinary U4 Summer School 'Creating a Climate for Change'.

Nineteen highly motivated students from fourteen different nationalities worked on real-life cases brought forward by the U4 partners.

In order to help them think about the cases, they attended lectures by experts from different disciplines: some being more theoretical, others more in the form of practical exercises. The students worked a.o. on Urban Farming (Uppsala), Digital Participation towards Sustainability (Ghent), and Greening the City (Groningen).

gender-2018At the height of a record hot summer, 15 PhD and MA students from Ghent, Groningen, Göttingen and Uppsala gathered at the centre for Gender Research in Uppsala for the second summer school in Gender Studies organized within the U4 network. 

For this edition the course was organized around the ever-timely theme of Methods, Methodologies and Ethics: Complexities and Responsibilities in Doing Gender Research.

fieldschool-2018During three weeks, between July 16 and August 4, a team of Bachelor and Master students of Ghent University, Groningen University, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, and Uppsala Universitet participated in a Fieldschool Material Culture in Thorikos (Attika, GR).

This highly important aspect, leading up to the publication, has always been the poor cousin within the archaeological chaîne opératoire. Students normally prefer excavation with the thrill of discovery and the unexpected. As we had a small excavation with a team from Utrecht University running at the same time, focusing upon the suspected city wall of Thorikos, however, students could still change over in a rotation scheme.

sustainable-energy-2018Within the cluster for Science and Technology a 2nd U4 Summer School for PhD students in the cycle 'Energy, Sustainability and Society' will take place at Uppsala University from 28 till 30 August 2018 on the theme: 'Materials for sustainable energy applications'.

The course focuses on current materials research and technology development in areas of key importance for sustainable energy. Invited lecturers from research and industry will provide an overview of the state of the art as well as key questions in their fields of expertise.

health-migration-rights-2017Each summer Ghent University students welcome fellow students from all over the world for a 12-day educational programme on the topics of 'Health & Migration' and 'Reproductive Health & Rights', along with various social and cultural activities. Applicants can choose between the two different subjects. Both programmes will take place from the 1st until the 12th of July 2018.

The Summer School 'Health & Migration' and ‘Reproductive Health & Rights’ is a project organized by medical students at Ghent University, in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine.

Summer School Ageing Brain 2018The Department of Neurology of the University Medical Center in Göttingen will hold the U4 Summer School in Clinical and Translational Neuroscience from 27 to 31 August 2018.

Experience one intensive week of clinical neurology and translational neuroscience covering diverse neuroscientific topics from bench to bedside.
Who should apply? Students of the broad field of neuroscience, including medical students in their final two years of study and young neurologists in their first two years of training. Applicants should have either started or finished a research project and able to report about it.

The application deadline for the Summer School 2018 is 15 May 2018. The participation fee will be 250 EUR.

Physics UGOE smallThe HASCO Summer School 2018 will take place at the University of Göttingen from 22 to 27 July 2018.

The main objectives of the hadron collider physics school (HASCO) are introductory topics in elementary particle physics, in particular in hadron collider physics as relevant for research at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This includes lectures and tutorials on theoretical foundations of the Standard Model of elementary particle physics as well as experimental techniques to test it. Furthermore, a focus is placed on statistical data analysis and an introduction to the software package ROOT. In addition, students will have the opportunity to discuss state of the art measurements and results with senior scientists in the field

thorikos-2017From 16 July till 4 August a fourth edition of the 'Field School Greek Material Culture' will take place in Thorikos. The field school is open for Ba, Ma and PhD students and involves specialists in material culture of the Thorikos site from Athens, Ghent and Göttingen.

The field school offers students an excellent opportunity to acquire real field work experience with excavations, aracheological prospects and different categories of material findings covering a broad chronological spectrum.

religion-2018After a successful first edition of the U4 Summer School Religion in Groningen last year, it is our pleasure to invite the PhD students of our four universities to Ghent, for an exciting 2nd U4 Summer School Religion on the topical theme of 'Exclusivity, inclusivity and pluralism'.

In the multidisciplinary study of religion the highly divergent ways in which religions – past and contemporary – have responded to types of otherness, constitute a topic of longstanding scholarly fascination and inquiry. With regard to the theme of interreligious encounters, there is a rich variety of concepts, theories, and methods that have been developed to understand the dialogues, transformations, adaptations, and conflicts taking place when religions meet.

winterschool-athens-2018From 6-11 March 2018 the 9th U4 Winter School 'Antiquity' takes place in Athens on the central theme 'Complexity and Hybridity'.

As in the previous editions the central theme of the Winter School is approached in an interdisclinary way. Hence, the Winter School gathers PhD students and senior scholars from various academic disciplines of the four partner universities: archaeologists, religious historians, philosophers, historians, linguists and filologists.

One of the main objectives of the Winter School is to give doctoral students the opportunity to present their research projects to an international group of peers and to get feedback from experienced scholars on their work-in-progress. In addition, there is also attention for acquiring formal conference skills such as presentation techniques, chairing sessions, and such more.

University Main Building Uppsala smallFrom 30 July to 03 August 2018 the 2nd Interdisciplinary U4 Summer School in Gender Studies 'Methods and Methodologies: Complexities and Responsibilities in Gender Research' for PhD students will take place in Uppsala, Sweden.

Feminist research has a long tradition of critiquing conventional "objective" sciences and knowledge production. In gender studies, such critique continues to develop, and reflexivity is often a taken-for-granted aspect of the research. However, Gender research is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field. This raises particular questions around choices and uses of research methods; the long history of critique also foregrounds the responsibility of the researcher.

thingsthatmatter'Things That Matter' is a module offered in partnership by the Universities of Uppsala, Groningen and Durham. It takes place during the Easter Term, and consists of a preparatory ‘International Classroom’ module delivered online, and of a week-long Summer School held this year in Groningen from 18 till 22 June 2018.

“Things that Matter” addresses the tension between the materiality of sources and their digitization. The recent advances of digital technology have created new modes of reproduction and forms of consumption that have substantially reshaped the concepts of ‘object’ and of ‘collection’ at the heart of cultural institutions such as libraries and museums. 

sustainability-summerFrom 7 until 14 July 2018 Groningen hosts the first U4 Sustainability Summer School 'Creating a Climate for Change'.

The summer school “Creating a Climate for Change” is an interdisciplinary learning experience aimed at inspiring and activating students (PhD, Masters) and professionals working or studying in fields related to integrated sustainability.

Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of sustainability matters. The summer school aims to help them spread this knowledge in organizations, companies and among policy makers, in order to further sustainability. 

diversityThe Göttingen Diversity Research Institute is organising the 2nd international Summer School on Globalization and Diversity in cooperation with partner universities from Europe, the United States and Japan.

The summer school will provide students with an overview over current debates on social diversity on a global and local scale. Through lectures the students will gain theoretical knowledge on different levels and dimensions of diversity. Therefore, speakers from various research backgrounds are being invited.

The Summer School will be organized as an intensive two-week program taking place from 2nd– 15th August 2018 at the University of Göttingen.

groningenOn 9 and 10 November 2017 the University of Groningen organizes the 10th edition of the Conference on Multilingualism (COM2017).

This year’s COM2017 is unique in that it will be directly followed by a Winterschool on Multilingualism, essentially creating a 5-day international event about bi- and multilingualism.

The Winter School is targeted at graduate students, including PhD candidates. In nine 3-hour sessions, led by international well-known and leading researchers of the U4 network and other partner universities world-wide on bi- and multilingualism, participants are familiarized with essential methods and techniques used in collecting and analyzing multilingualism data.

Law Faculty Summer UGOE smallThe University of Göttingen is proud to announce a newly established program offering academic short-term courses for international students during semester breaks.

Our intensive full-time courses provide excellent opportunities to further develop your knowledge and gain academic credits without missing lectures at home. We offer courses in various academic disciplines, all designed to broaden basic and advanced knowledge. Additionally, our programs give you the opportunity to approach your subject from a new perspective, to develop your skills and knowledge and extend your international experience by meeting a wide range of like-minded people from different cultures.

biomass-2017From 11 till 13 September the first U4 Summer School 'Sustainable use and re-use of biomass' took place in Ghent.

About 25 PhD and Ma students took part with diverse backgrounds rangeing from Bio-Energy, over Soil Science, Microbial Chemistry to Agricultural Economics.

Each day of the programme focused on another Biomass related dimension.

Day one focused on the production of biomass. On the second day, the summer school focused on technological processes, which are considered to transform biomass into useful end products (by thermal, thermochemical, chemical, microbiological, ... processes). On the third day legal, economic and political aspects of the (re)use of biomass were dealth with.

brain-2017-2The 6th edition of the U4 Summer School “Ageing Brain” for senior Master students and junior PhD students was hosted by the Laboratory for Clinical and Experimental Neurophysiology, -biology and – psychology (LCEN3) of Ghent University.

We welcomed a total of 38 students at this years’ Summer School. Four different nationalities were present (Belgium, The Netherlands, Sweden and Japan) with different types of background (medical, biomedical, engineering, psychology,…). 

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