sustainable energy 2019This U4Society Summer School 'Systems and Resources for Sustainable Energy' was hosted by Uppsala University from 28-30 August 2019 and focused on the roles and interplay of energy systems, resources and new technology in areas of key importance for sustainable energy development.

The summer course involved 18 students (of which 1 from Göttingen, 7 from Groningen and 10 from Uppsala. The students had a diverse background, ranging from theoretical and experimental physics, over earth sciences and electronics, to material sciences, chemistry and biology.

An intense program covered different aspects of sustainability and energy systems. There were two lecture contributions by Ghent University professors, in addition to the ones from Uppsala. The study visits to Vattenfall and Vasakronan were very appreciated by the students. There was also time for some social activities, such as a visit to the Gustavianum and a course dinner.

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