Thin film research has moved from simple oxide thin film materials towards thin films with a high chemical complexity and microstructure. This high level research asks for in-depth analysis tools and new deposition strategies in combination with simulations.

The following list contains European funded research and cooperation projects with two or more partners from the U4 network. Please click on the acronyms of the projects to find more information on the role of the U4 partners in these projects. You will also find the necessary contact details in

Within the U4 network there are currently nine joint/double degree programmes which involve two or more U4 partner institutions. Several programmes were awarded the prestigious Erasmus Mundus label and comprise a consortium with external partners.

Since March 2013, the Spatial Ecology and Evolution group of Ghent University (TEREC, Prof. D. Bonte) and the Theoretical and Evolutionary Ecology group from the University of Groningen (CEES, prof. R. Etienne) have set up a collaboration jointly supervising two PhD students on a

In the U4 network Summer and Winter Schools are organized in a vast variety fields. They give the opportunity to students and young researchers to expand their academic horizon during a short-term, yet intensive programme.